Saturday, November 20, 2010

I Like Smiling. Smiling's My Favorite!

Well, well, look at me...putting up an actual post on the family blog! I don't know why it seems like everyone around is in a hurry for Christmas this year...I've heard several friends and co-workers who already have decorations up! As for me, I will grit my teeth and be happy with my Yankee Doodles for one more week, but then, out come the trimmings! Can't imagine how it will feel to spend my first Thanksgiving in 30 years without you, but hey...yet another milestone in our lives! I love you all more than I can ever say, don't you EVER forget it! Love, Mom


the mahans said...

I miss you mamma! Love, Stef

Jen Sadler said...

You are always with us in spirit, Mom! Wish you and Dad could be here too.